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Stay within the World Boundries at spawn - Printable Version

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Stay within the World Boundries at spawn - MaxBento - 10.05.2013

Hi all when my Friend or i Spawn on his server its not problems when i or he on my server spawn its come Stay Within the world Boundries and on the windows server come stay wihtin world bodaries

Respuesta: Stay within the World Boundries at spawn - LoLeRo - 10.05.2013

You can reset the player world bounds by setting the parameters to 20000.0000, -20000.0000, 20000.0000, -20000.0000.

pawn Код:
SetPlayerWorldBounds(playerid, 20000.0000, -20000.0000, 20000.0000, -20000.0000);
EDIT: You can add that line in OnPlayerSpawn.

AW: Stay within the World Boundries at spawn - MaxBento - 10.05.2013

At My friends server its going^^