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pm log problem - Printable Version

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pm log problem - BossZk - 10.05.2013

In the logs it saves in a straight line, for example : "pm from bob(1):gfdf pm to max(2):gdjdkjdad"
i want it to use a new line for every pm, example:
Pm from bob(1): blahblah
Pm to max(2): blahblah

probably an easy fix for you guys

PHP код:
forward PMLog(string[]); 
PHP код:
public PMLog(string[])
pm[128]; // Creates a new string
format(pmsizeof(pm), "%s\n"string); // Formats the string;
new File:hFile// Creates a new variable with type File
hFile fopen("/LOGS/pm.log"io_append); // Opens the Log File
fwrite(hFilepm); // Writes the log
fclose(hFile); // Closes file

Re: pm log problem - Lordzy - 10.05.2013

pawn Код:
stock PMLog(str[])
 new File:pf = fopen ("/Logs/pm.log", io_append);
 new string[128];
 format(string, sizeof(string), "%s\r\n", str);
  fwrite(pf, str);
 return 1;

Re: pm log problem - BossZk - 10.05.2013

that didnt work bro, makes the msg on the same line and its cut off the name and id of the sender, if i send my pm command would that help?

Re: pm log problem - Joe Staff - 10.05.2013

What are you opening the file with? Notepad doesn't read '\n' properly. Wordpad will, but do NOT save because it will alter the file.

Re: pm log problem - BossZk - 11.05.2013

i am opening it with notepad, so theres no way it could work with notepad?

EDIT: tried with textpad also, its the same way as the notepad

Re: pm log problem - BossZk - 14.05.2013

any other solutions?