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No Damage with Weapons - Printable Version

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No Damage with Weapons - AwokenNeoX - 09.05.2013


I start my Server all Plugins are loaded no Probelem everything is okay all cmds work but if I shot with a weapon I dont do damge why ?!

Respuesta: No Damage with Weapons - LoLeRo - 09.05.2013

Do you use OnPlayerTakeDamage in your gamemode or filterscripts?

AW: No Damage with Weapons - AwokenNeoX - 10.05.2013

No, I only have add a Minigame to my GM. I restart thats all

Respuesta: No Damage with Weapons - LoLeRo - 10.05.2013

Could you send me your script by PM? or Skype? So i could check your gamemode.

Re: No Damage with Weapons - [HiC]TheKiller - 10.05.2013

Check if you're setting player teams with SetPlayerTeam anywhere.