Help with gate.. - Printable Version
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Pettersen - 09.05.2013
Respuesta: Help with gate.. -
LoLeRo - 10.05.2013
As i can see, you are not moving any object. See this:
pawn Код:
Toll_1 = CreateDynamicObject(3578, 1801.00, 692.66, 10.00, 1801.00, 692.66, 30);
and when you want to open the toll you use:
pawn Код:
MoveDynamicObject(Toll_1, 1801.00, 692.66, 10.00, 30);
You need to change de Z position to make the toll change his position.
You can use this:
pawn Код:
Toll_1 = CreateDynamicObject(3578, 1801.00, 692.66, 20.00, 1801.00, 692.66, 30); //iґm not sure if 20.00 is correct, you can try with different values.
pawn Код:
MoveDynamicObject(Toll_1, 1801.00, 692.66, 10.00, 30); //you will make the toll go down.