MySQL doesn't load characters on login, server crashes -
sidney123 - 09.05.2013
I am having issues with a gamemode (not going to tell it's name) and it has a character system.
When a player connects to the server, a registration or login dialog appears. When the player registrate an account, they are able to create a character. That works fine, everything is stored in the database, but when the player logs off and connects to the server, they get the login dialog and then the server crashes. I debugged everything using printf, and I found out that when the character selection function is called, that the server crashes.
This is the function what's bugging:
pawn Код:
public OnLoadCharacters(playerid) {
printf("[ACCOUNT.PWN] OnLoadCharacters called.");
new rows,fields;
printf("[ACCOUNT.PWN] OLC: Stage 1. (NumCharacters)");
//GetPVarInt(playerid, "NumCharacters", rows);
SetPVarInt(playerid, "NumCharacters", rows);
new pvarname[32];
new fielddata[64];
new charid;
for(new i=0;i<rows;i++) {
charid = strval(fielddata);
printf("[ACCOUNT.PWN] OLC: Stage 2. (ShowCharacterDialog)");
printf("[ACCOUNT.PWN] OLC: Stages ended.");
printf("[ACCOUNT.PWN] OnLoadChoaracters loaded.");
return 1;
This is the server log with the debugging:
[13:43:20] Incoming connection: [IP HERE]
[13:43:21] [join] Sidney_Hoekstra has joined the server (0:[IP HERE])
[13:43:21] [CRP.PWN] OnPlayerConnect function loaded succesfully.
[13:43:21] [ACCOUNT.PWN] ShowLoginDialog function called.
[13:43:21] [ACCOUNT.PWN] SLD: Stage 1.
[13:43:21] [ACCOUNT.PWN] ShowLoginDialog function loaded.
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] OnLoginAttempt called.
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] OLA: Stage 1. (LoginAttempts called)
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] OLA: Stage 4. (Succesful login)
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] OLA: Stage 5. (NewbieRank)
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] OLA: Stage 6. (ConnectTime)
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] OLA: Stage 7. (AdminTitle)
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] OLA: Stage 8. (AdminFlags)
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] OLA: Stage 9. (NewbieRank)
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] OLA: Stage 10. (AdminFlags, NewbieRank)
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] OLA: Stage 11. (DonatePoints)
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] OLA: Stage 12. (DonateRank)
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] OLA: Stage 13. (Cookies)
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] OLA: Stage 15. (NMuteTime)
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] OLA: Stage 16. (NMuteTime)
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] OLA: Stage 16. (ReportBanned)
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] OLA: Stage 17. (AccountFlags)
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] OLA: Stage 18. (OnPlayerLogin called)
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] OnPlayerLogin called.
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] OnPlayerLogin: Weapon skills loaded.
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] OnPlayerLogin: LoadCharacters being called.
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] LoadCharacters called.
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] LC: Stage 1.
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] LC: Stage 3.
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] LC: Stage 4.
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] LC: Stage 5.
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] LoadCharacters loaded.
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] OnPlayerLogin loaded.
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] OLA: Stages ended.
[13:43:30] [ACCOUNT.PWN] OnLoginAttempt loaded.
Then the function "OnLoadCharacters(playerid)" must be called, and it doesn't.
//EDIT: This is the function calling "OnLoadCharacters(playerid)", it's the only one:
pawn Код:
LoadCharacters(playerid, bool:showdialog) {
printf("[ACCOUNT.PWN] LoadCharacters called.");
//#pragma unused showdialog
query[128] = 0;//[128];
printf("[ACCOUNT.PWN] LC: Stage 1.");
new accountid = GetPVarInt(playerid,"AccountID");
if(accountid == 0) {
printf("[ACCOUNT.PWN] LC: Stage 2.");
return 0;
printf("[ACCOUNT.PWN] LC: Stage 3.");
format(query, sizeof(query),"SELECT `username`,`id` FROM `characters` WHERE `accountid` = %d",accountid);
printf("[ACCOUNT.PWN] LC: Stage 4.");
mysql_function_query(g_mysql_handle, query, true, "OnLoadCharacters", "d", playerid);
printf("[ACCOUNT.PWN] LC: Stage 5.");
printf("[ACCOUNT.PWN] LoadCharacters loaded.");
return 1;
Thanks in advance.
Re: Need help with mysql based gamemode. -
TheStreetsRP - 09.05.2013
Well, the fact that "[ACCOUNT.PWN] OnLoadCharacters called." never shows up would incline me to believe we need to see the function actually calling this.
Could we please see that?
Re: Need help with mysql based gamemode. -
sidney123 - 09.05.2013
Sure, here you go:
pawn Код:
LoadCharacters(playerid, bool:showdialog) {
printf("[ACCOUNT.PWN] LoadCharacters called.");
//#pragma unused showdialog
query[128] = 0;//[128];
printf("[ACCOUNT.PWN] LC: Stage 1.");
new accountid = GetPVarInt(playerid,"AccountID");
if(accountid == 0) {
printf("[ACCOUNT.PWN] LC: Stage 2.");
return 0;
printf("[ACCOUNT.PWN] LC: Stage 3.");
format(query, sizeof(query),"SELECT `username`,`id` FROM `characters` WHERE `accountid` = %d",accountid);
printf("[ACCOUNT.PWN] LC: Stage 4.");
mysql_function_query(g_mysql_handle, query, true, "OnLoadCharacters", "d", playerid);
printf("[ACCOUNT.PWN] LC: Stage 5.");
printf("[ACCOUNT.PWN] LoadCharacters loaded.");
return 1;
Re: Need help with mysql based gamemode. -
sidney123 - 10.05.2013
No one who can help me? I appreciate any help.