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AttachObjectToPlayer? - Printable Version

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AttachObjectToPlayer? - CirCuz™ - 09.05.2013

Alright, so I've got this object id(flare): 18728
I want to create something like when a player type /flare or something, that flare appears over your head so everyone can see it. I've been asking this previous times too, but that was a hat, but the topic got deleted, and I have no idea why..
Anyways, anyone please help me with this. Would be VERY grateful

- CirCuz[DGZ]

Respuesta: AttachObjectToPlayer? - LoLeRo - 09.05.2013

Try with this:


SetPlayerAttachedObject( playerid, 0, 18728, 2, 0.121128, 0.023578, 0.001139, 222.540847, 90.773872, 211.130859, 1.098305, 1.122310, 1.106640 );

Re: AttachObjectToPlayer? - CirCuz™ - 09.05.2013

Thanks! Worked! +rep