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Pawno question - Stefand - 09.05.2013

Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

Header size:           9280 bytes
Code size:           350164 bytes
Data size:          6205812 bytes
Stack/heap size:      16384 bytes; estimated max. usage: unknown, due to recursion
Total requirements: 6581640 bytes
why do I get those bytes messages? I never had that xD

Re: Pawno question - Scenario - 09.05.2013

Huge strings.

For example, having new string[256] and new string[3000] everywhere.

Re: Pawno question - Patrick - 09.05.2013

You Get this if you got a string higher than 2000.
Read This Topic, this will help you alot

Re: Pawno question - Stefand - 09.05.2013

Thanks :P Probably my query's :3

Re: Pawno question - Scenario - 09.05.2013

Originally Posted by Stefand
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Thanks :P Probably my query's :3
From what I can see in your other topics you're using threaded queries. So, don't be afraid to send a few queries at once compared to a super long one.

Re: Pawno question - Stefand - 09.05.2013

Originally Posted by RealCop228
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From what I can see in your other topics you're using threaded queries. So, don't be afraid to send a few queries at once compared to a super long one.
So If I put one for example 5000, for example saving a player data. It doesn't mater that I see that bytes info aslong as I dont get any ERRORS?

Re: Pawno question - Babul - 09.05.2013

recursion could be that some of your functions are referring to eachother, like calling them selfes until a certain condition is met. this will fill up the heap/stack and crash when its full.
to get rod of that, organize your callbacks like "master" (the caller) and "slave" (the called), and then see if a slave (called) functin calls others, which again closes the circle. if that ever happens, its only about time when the script will fail.