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Inverse sin/cos - Printable Version

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Inverse sin/cos - MP2 - 09.05.2013

There don't seem to be any inverse sin/cos functions.. wat do pls

EDIT: Oh wait..

pawn Код:
native Float:asin(Float:value);
native Float:acos(Float:value);
native Float:atan(Float:value);
Are these them? What's the 'a'? ;_;

EDIT2: I think the 'a' is for 'arc'.

Re: Inverse sin/cos - park4bmx - 09.05.2013

there are costume ones for Inverse Trigonomic Function
2 floats
(1) The length of the adjacent side
(2) The length of the hypotenuse side
Returns The processed inverse trigonomic equation (Float)

if that is what u want ?

edit its removed anyways

Re: Inverse sin/cos - dominik523 - 09.05.2013

atan, asin and acos are functions which gives you a value in radians.
When you get radians from it, if you want to get angle in degrees, you need to do
new Float:angle;
angle = asin(some value);
angle = angle * (180 /pi)
and from degrees to radians is
angle = angle * (pi / 180)