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Range Banned in Range of Ip - Printable Version

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Range Banned in Range of Ip - colonel-top - 09.05.2013

Hello guys im trying create range ban cmd but i cant T_T
So now Im Using JakAdmin

Can Someone Help me please ? range ban by /rban [playerid] [reason]

plz use normal cmd or zcmd plz thank you very muchhhhhh

Re: Range Banned in Range of Ip - JaKe Elite - 09.05.2013

What does range banned ip do? hmmm

Re: Range Banned in Range of Ip - Sinner - 09.05.2013

Download a good admin system that has range bans and see how they do it. Basically you ban on the last X bytes of the IP address (most commonly the last 255 or 255 * 255 bytes, example 127.0.0.* / 127.0.*.*) and check if a player's IP is in that range.

Re: Range Banned in Range of Ip - RajatPawar - 09.05.2013

pawn Код:
#define RANGE_IP_TO_CHECK "216.125"
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid )
      new ip[16]; GetPlayerIp(playerid, ip, 16 );
      if(strcmp(ip, RANGE_IP_TO_CHECK, false) != -1) return Kick( playerid );

Re: Range Banned in Range of Ip - newbienoob - 09.05.2013

Originally Posted by Sinner
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Download a good admin system that has range bans and see how they do it. Basically you ban on the last X bytes of the IP address (most commonly the last 255 or 255 * 255 bytes, example 127.0.0.* / 127.0.*.*) and check if a player's IP is in that range.
I don't think that "range ban" works. If they had(most of them do) a dynamic ip, the whole ip(*.*.*.*) will be changed.