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How create Dialog In Dialog ? - Printable Version

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How create Dialog In Dialog ? - yaron0600 - 08.05.2013

How can I create dialog inside dialog , Like : CMd:CreateVehicle

[SportVehicles] >>> Than enter to another dialog new one >>> Infernus , Turismo ETC , How to do that ?

Re: How create Dialog In Dialog ? - CrossUSAAF - 08.05.2013

Originally Posted by yaron0600
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How can I create dialog inside dialog , Like : CMd:CreateVehicle

[SportVehicles] >>> Than enter to another dialog new one >>> Infernus , Turismo ETC , How to do that ?
OnPlayerSelectedMenuRow, then ShowPlayerMenu... DIALOG_STYLE_LIST and add another items on it.

Re: How create Dialog In Dialog ? - BenTaylorUK - 08.05.2013

You basically, assign the case in your OnDialogResponse for the first dialog, and put another dialog inside that.
case 0:

Re : How create Dialog In Dialog ? - DaTa[X] - 08.05.2013

pawn Код:
      if(listitem == 0) //cars
            dialog cars ...
       if(listitem == 1) // bikes
             dialog bikes ..
CrossUSAAF he is talking about dialogs not menus

Re: How create Dialog In Dialog ? - Pottus - 08.05.2013

y_inline / y_dialogs allows you to do just this by nesting dialogs within dialogs and again I'll stand by this system as the best when it comes to dialogs.