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Auto-restart. - Printable Version

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Auto-restart. - zClaw - 08.05.2013

Hello, I want the server to restart automaticly after the objective has been completed.

I got the command and stuff, but I only need the line that restarts the server after 10 seconds.

If someone wants to help me with this, it will be highly appreciated.

Re: Auto-restart. - radiobizza - 08.05.2013

I don't know that line... Sorry

Re: Auto-restart. - IceCube! - 08.05.2013

Then where the objective has been completeted you'll know where that is if its your mode call your custom GMX().. or call the basic one like this


Re: Auto-restart. - zClaw - 08.05.2013

Originally Posted by IceCube!
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Then where the objective has been completeted you'll know where that is if its your mode call your custom GMX().. or call the basic one like this

That's what I needed. Merci.