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Dialog help. - Printable Version

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SOLVED - Don_Cage - 07.05.2013


Re: Dialog help. - Red_Dragon. - 07.05.2013

Which weapons should be given to the player ? Did you define SafeGivePlayerWeapon somewhere or did you just create it like that ? try using GivePlayerWeapon instead maybe.

Re: Dialog help. - Don_Cage - 07.05.2013

But i have allways used SaveGivePlayerWeapon and it have allways worked good before

Re: Dialog help. - Goldilox - 07.05.2013

SaveGivePlayerWeapon might include with a .inc file or something and it would be defined there. Just use GivePlayerWeapon.

Re: Dialog help. - Don_Cage - 08.05.2013

I dont see how that would solove the problem? Its not that i dont get the weapon. The dialog for SWAT is not showing the right ammount. even when i choose SWAT in the dialog if it shows 0 it is empty but if it is showing 25(full ammount) it does not reduce when i choose it. So my problem is that when SWAT is full it stay full no mather if i use it or not.