public OnPlayerConnect( playerid ) { new connecting_ip[ 16 ]; GetPlayerIp( playerid, connecting_ip, 16 ); if ( GetNumberOfPlayersOnThisIP( connecting_ip ) > MAX_CONNECTIONS_FROM_IP ) { format( gsString, 144, ">> Server-Security << :: {33AA33}IP banned player '{FF0000}%s{33AA33}'. Reason: {FF0000}Too many connections from this IP", PlayerName( playerid ) ); SendClientMessageToAll( COLOR_SPECIAL, gsString ); BanEx( playerid, "Bots Flood" ); return 1; } print( "OPC - Debug 1" ); format( gsQuery, 512, "SELECT * FROM `Banlist` WHERE `IP` = '%s' OR `Name` = '%s'", connecting_ip, PlayerName( playerid ) ); mysql_function_query( g_Handle, gsQuery, true, "BanListCheck", "i", playerid ); return 1; }
SQL_Function BanListCheck( playerid ) { if ( !IsPlayerConnected( playerid ) ) return 1; new count_rows, fields; cache_get_data( count_rows, fields, g_Handle ); print( "OPC - Debug 2" ); if ( !count_rows ) return OnPlayerConnectEx( playerid ); else { print( "OPC - Debug 3" ); new bField[ 4 ][ 128 ]; print( "OPC - Debug 4" ); cache_get_field_content( 0, "Reason", bField[ 0 ] ); cache_get_field_content( 0, "Admin", bField[ 1 ] ); cache_get_field_content( 0, "BanDate", bField[ 2 ] ); cache_get_field_content( 0, "BanTime", bField[ 3 ] ); print( "OPC - Debug 5" ); if ( cache_get_field_content_int( 0, "BanDays", g_Handle ) < gettime( ) ) OnPlayerConnectEx( playerid ); else { print( "OPC - Debug 6" ); TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, Ban_Backround ); TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, Ban_Info ); TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, Ban_Message ); TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, Ban_Details_TD ); TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, Ban_Mistake ); format( gsString, 512, "~y~~h~Banned by Administrator: %s~n~Ban Date: %s~n~Ban Time: %s~n~Ban Reason: %s", bField[ 1 ], bField[ 2 ], bField[ 3 ], bField[ 0 ] ); TextDrawSetString( Ban_Details[ playerid ], gsString ); TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, Ban_Details[ playerid ] ); SetTimerEx( "KickPlayer", 3500, false, "e", playerid ); } } return 1; }
function OnPlayerConnectEx( playerid ) { ShowZonesFor( playerid ); PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ IgnoreGangGoto ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ hacker ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pRainbow ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ o_index ] = -1; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ szOwnedHouseID ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ p_health ] = 100.0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ FirstSpawn ] = 1; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ blip ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Use_Attach ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ D_Score ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Race_Score ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Drift_Score ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ p_TextColor ] = 16777215; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Race_CP ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Tag ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ rAdmin ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Property ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ WarnTimer ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ InJob ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Spectating ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ PGoted ] = -1; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ BanTimer ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ KickTimer ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ ID ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ rank ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ skin ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ spawnX ] = 0.0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ spawnY ] = 0.0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ spawnZ ] = 0.0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ spawnA ] = 0.0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Weap1 ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Weap2 ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Weap3 ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Weap4 ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Weap5 ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Weap6 ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ PosRespect ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ NegRespect ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Ignore_Spec ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Ignore_Get ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Ignore_Clan_Invite ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ AccID ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ AWarings ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Vup ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ JumpSize ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ VupKey ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ InEvent ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ HaveGPS ] = false; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ HaveBomb ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Deaths ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Kills ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Jailed ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Frozen ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Level ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ SAdmin ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pVip ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ rVip ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ LoggedIn ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Muted ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ MuteWarnings ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Warnings ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pCar ] = -1; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ PingCount ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ PingTime ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ FailLogin ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Coins ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Rank ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ P_AntiFall ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ RecentlyRobbed ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ hours ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ mins ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ secs ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ ActionID ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Drugs ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ ConnectTime ] = gettime( ); PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ KillingSpree ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ bKillingSpree ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ PKicks ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ PMaths ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ PWarns ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ PBans ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ PReactions ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ PClearCH ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ PJails ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ PMutes ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ HideTDSSSS ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ InMinigun ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Planted ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Bomb ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ GotoIgnored ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ PlayerInBloodring ] = -1; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ PlayerInVortexCar ] = -1; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ GotoIgnored ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ isafk ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ CarID ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ car_X ] = 0.0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ car_Y ] = 0.0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ car_Z ] = 0.0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ car_A ] = 0.0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ car_Locked ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ car_color1 ] = random( 250 ); PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ car_color2 ] = random( 250 ); PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ spoilerid ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ neonid ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ p_VehID ] = -1; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ AdminWarns ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ BuyerID ] = -1; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Trader ] = -1; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ P_BANK_MONEY ] = 0; print( "OPC - Debug 9" ); Users[ playerid ][ gang ] = 0; Users[ playerid ][ turfe ] = 0; Users[ playerid ][ isLeader ] = 0; Users[ playerid ][ turftime ] = 30; Users[ playerid ][ kills ] = 0; Users[ playerid ][ deaths ] = 0; Users[ playerid ][ g_Warns ] = 0; Users[ playerid ][ g_Captures ] = 0; Users[ playerid ][ g_Points ] = 0; format( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ LastOn ], 11, " " ); format( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Description1 ], 85, " " ); format( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Description2 ], 85, " " ); format( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Description3 ], 85, " " ); format( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Description4 ], 85, " " ); format( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Clan ], 25, "None" ); format( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ RankName ], 25, "Newbie" ); format( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ d_RankName ], 25, "Newbie Dueler" ); format( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ r_RankName ], 25, "Newbie Racer" ); format( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ ds_RankName ], 25, "Lazy Drifter" ); format( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ car_plate ], 50, "MyCar" ); iPlayerNickTime[ playerid ] = 0; GPSTimer[ playerid ] = 0; SpawnInDM[ playerid ] = " "; Speeding[ playerid ] = false; grider[ playerid ][ 0 ] = 0; grider[ playerid ][ 1 ] = 0; grider[ playerid ][ 2 ] = 0; InvitedClanID[ playerid ] = -1; CheckpoinID[ playerid ] = -1; FishNameVIP[ playerid ] = 0; FRod[ playerid ] = 0; Fishing[ playerid ] = 0; Bait[ playerid ] = 0; FLine[ playerid ] = 0; Snow_F[ playerid ] = 0; Killer[ playerid ] = 501; Charged[ playerid ] = 0; Shoot[ playerid ] = 0; ViewedVehicleID[ playerid ] = -1; IsAsayTimer[ playerid ] = 0; InHNS[ playerid ] = 0; PlayerItem{ playerid } = 1; SelectingCar{ playerid } = false; Lang[ playerid ] = -1; Current_Hidden_Packages[ playerid ] = 0; print( "OPC - Debug 10" ); SetPVarInt( playerid, "LR", -1 ); SetPVarInt( playerid, "LRRequest", -1 ); SetPVarInt( playerid, "bet", 0 ); CancelSelectTextDraw( playerid ); TogglePlayerControllable( playerid, true ); HideCarTextDraws( playerid ); SetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid, 0 ); for ( new i; i < PING_MAX_EXCEEDS; i++ ) PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pPing ][ i ] = 0; ResetPlayerWeapons( playerid ); SetPlayerMapIcon( playerid, 0, -1662.4999, 1209.7217, 7.2500, 55, 0 ); Jail_Time = CreatePlayerTextDraw( playerid, 565.000000, 13.000000, "_"); PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor( playerid, Jail_Time, 255); PlayerTextDrawFont( playerid, Jail_Time, 2); PlayerTextDrawLetterSize( playerid, Jail_Time, 0.320000, 1.500000); PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, Jail_Time, 929038335); PlayerTextDrawSetOutline( playerid, Jail_Time, 1); PlayerTextDrawSetProportional( playerid, Jail_Time, 1); Random_TD_Texts = CreatePlayerTextDraw( playerid, 0.000000, 436.000000, "_"); PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor( playerid, Random_TD_Texts, 85); PlayerTextDrawFont( playerid, Random_TD_Texts, 1); PlayerTextDrawLetterSize( playerid, Random_TD_Texts, 0.159999, 1.200000); PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, Random_TD_Texts, -1); PlayerTextDrawSetOutline( playerid, Random_TD_Texts, 1); PlayerTextDrawSetProportional( playerid, Random_TD_Texts, 1); Random_TD_Texts_RO = CreatePlayerTextDraw( playerid, 0.000000, 436.000000, "_"); PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor( playerid, Random_TD_Texts_RO, 85); PlayerTextDrawFont( playerid, Random_TD_Texts_RO, 1); PlayerTextDrawLetterSize( playerid, Random_TD_Texts_RO, 0.159999, 1.200000); PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, Random_TD_Texts_RO, -1); PlayerTextDrawSetOutline( playerid, Random_TD_Texts_RO, 1); PlayerTextDrawSetProportional( playerid, Random_TD_Texts_RO, 1); if ( ServerInfo[ NameKick ] == 1 ) { for ( new s = 0; s < BadNameCount; s++ ) { if ( !strcmp( BadNames[ s ], PlayerName( playerid ), true ) ) { SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Your name is on our {00FF00}black list, {ACACAC}you have been kicked." ); format( gsString, sizeof( gsString ), "*** {00FF00}%s (ID:%d) {ACACAC}was auto kicked. (Reason: {00FF00}Forbidden name{ACACAC})", PlayerName( playerid ), playerid ); SendClientMessageToAll( COLOR_GREY, gsString ); FormatLog( "KickLog", "%s have been auto-kicked from the server. Reason: Forbidden Name.", PlayerName( playerid ) ); Kick( playerid ); return 1; } } } if ( ServerInfo[ PartNameKick ] == 1 ) { for ( new s = 0; s < BadPartNameCount; s++ ) { new pos; while ( ( pos = strfind( PlayerName( playerid ), BadPartNames[ s ], true ) ) != -1 ) for ( new i = pos, j = pos + strlen( BadPartNames[ s ] ); i < j; i++ ) { SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Your name is not allowed on this server, you have been kicked." ); format( gsString, sizeof( gsString ), "*** {00FF00}%s (ID:%d) {ACACAC}was auto kicked. (Reason: {00FF00}Forbidden name{ACACAC})",PlayerName( playerid ), playerid ); SendClientMessageToAll( COLOR_GREY, gsString ); FormatLog( "KickLog", "%s have been auto-kicked from the server. Reason: Forbidden Name.", PlayerName( playerid ) ); Kick( playerid ); return 1; } } } switch( random( 4 ) ) { case 0: format( gsString, 256, "~g~~h~%s(%d) ~y~~h~has joined the server.", PlayerName( playerid ), playerid ); case 1: format( gsString, 256, "~r~~h~%s(%d) ~y~~h~has joined the server.", PlayerName( playerid ), playerid ); case 2: format( gsString, 256, "~b~~h~%s(%d) ~y~~h~has joined the server.", PlayerName( playerid ), playerid ); case 3: format( gsString, 256, "~p~~h~%s(%d) ~y~~h~has joined the server.", PlayerName( playerid ), playerid ); } ShowOnTextDraw( gsString ); for ( new i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { p_Object[ playerid ][ i ] = -1; TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, ConnectTD[ i ] ); SendClientMessage( playerid, ~1, " " ); } format( gsString, 144, "» {f4dd73}Welcome '{FF9900}%s{f4dd73}' to {00FF00}Romania {FF0000}Stunt {00FF00}Empire .", PlayerName( playerid ) ); SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, gsString ); SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "» {f4dd73}Visit our server web-page {00FF00}www.RSE{FF0000}-COMMUNITY{00FF00}.com {f4dd73}." ); SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "» {f4dd73}If you are new at this server, please type '{33CCFF}/help{f4dd73}'" ); SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "» {f4dd73}If you need a vehicle type {FF0000}/V {f4dd73}and if you want to tune cars write {33CCFF}/tune" ); SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "» {f4dd73}Use {33CCFF}/ro {f4dd73}if you are Roman or {FF0000}/eng {f4dd73}if you are English." ); SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "» {f4dd73}Type {FF0000}/teles {f4dd73}to see teleportation on the server." ); SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "» {f4dd73}Use {33CCFF}/rules {f4dd73}for view the server regulations." ); format( gsQuery, 128, "SELECT * FROM `Accounts` WHERE `Name` = '%s'", PlayerName( playerid ) ); mysql_function_query( g_Handle, gsQuery, true, "LoginPlayerAccount", "i", playerid ); format( gsQuery, 128, "SELECT `Names` FROM `AKA` WHERE `IP` = '%s'", GetPlayerIPEx( playerid ) ); mysql_function_query( g_Handle, gsQuery, true, "LoadPlayerAKA", "i", playerid ); return 1; }
[16:03:23] [WARNING] >> cache_get_field_content(...) - There is no active cache. [16:03:26] [DEBUG] >> mysql_query_callback(Connection handle: 1) [16:03:26] [WARNING] ProcessQueryThread() - Lost connection, reconnecting to the MySQL-server in the background thread. [16:03:26] [ERROR] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - User 'zp_hid3191' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 10) (error ID: 1226). [16:03:39] [DEBUG] >> mysql_query_callback(Connection handle: 1) [16:03:46] [DEBUG] >> mysql_query_callback(Connection handle: 1) [16:03:56] [DEBUG] >> mysql_query_callback(Connection handle: 1) [16:03:58] [DEBUG] >> mysql_query_callback(Connection handle: 1) [16:04:00] [DEBUG] >> mysql_query_callback(Connection handle: 1) [16:04:03] [DEBUG] >> mysql_query_callback(Connection handle: 1) [16:04:12] [DEBUG] >> mysql_query_callback(Connection handle: 1) [16:04:18] [DEBUG] >> mysql_query_callback(Connection handle: 1) [16:04:24] [DEBUG] >> mysql_query_callback(Connection handle: 1) [16:04:36] [DEBUG] >> mysql_query_callback(Connection handle: 1) [16:04:36] [DEBUG] >> mysql_query_callback(Connection handle: 1) [16:04:40] [DEBUG] >> mysql_query_callback(Connection handle: 1) [16:04:44] [DEBUG] >> mysql_query_callback(Connection handle: 1) [16:04:58] [DEBUG] >> mysql_query_callback(Connection handle: 1) [16:05:00] [DEBUG] >> mysql_query_callback(Connection handle: 1) [16:05:05] [DEBUG] >> 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[16:03:23] [WARNING] >> cache_get_field_content(...) - There is no active cache. [16:03:26] [DEBUG] >> mysql_query_callback(Connection handle: 1) [16:03:26] [WARNING] ProcessQueryThread() - Lost connection, reconnecting to the MySQL-server in the background thread. [16:03:26] [ERROR] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - User 'zp_hid3191' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 10) (error ID: 1226). 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