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Streamer problem - Printable Version

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Streamer problem - MattSlater - 06.05.2013

Okay, I have a mapping filterscript which streams objects as: "CreateDynamicObject(.." yeah, etc which works fine.

But I then converted all my 3DTextLabels and Pickups to the Dynamic ones. (CreateDynamic3DTextLabel & CreateDynamicPickup) and the pickups work, but the text labels don't even show?

Any idea why?

Re: Streamer problem - MattSlater - 06.05.2013


Re: Streamer problem - UnknownGamer - 07.05.2013

Originally Posted by MattSlater
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Okay, I have a mapping filterscript which streams objects as: "CreateDynamicObject(.." yeah, etc which works fine.

But I then converted all my 3DTextLabels and Pickups to the Dynamic ones. (CreateDynamic3DTextLabel & CreateDynamicPickup) and the pickups work, but the text labels don't even show?

Any idea why?
I need an answer for this too.

Re: Streamer problem - Jstylezzz - 07.05.2013

Can you show one CreateDynamic3DTextLabel? Maybe you have a faulty playerid/streamdistance/interior/virworld parameter.

Re: Streamer problem - MattSlater - 07.05.2013


pawn Код:
ATMInfo[iATM][a_Label] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("[ ATM ]", COLOR_WHITE, ATMInfo[iATM][a_Pos][0], ATMInfo[iATM][a_Pos][1], ATMInfo[iATM][a_Pos][2], 10.0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 100.0);

Re: Streamer problem - Red_Dragon. - 07.05.2013

Are you sure you're in the same virtual world and interior ?

Re: Streamer problem - MattSlater - 08.05.2013

Yes, I am sure.

Re: Streamer problem - MattSlater - 09.05.2013

Anyone? :/

Re: Streamer problem - superrobot48 - 09.05.2013

u can use this

Re : Streamer problem - yusei - 09.05.2013

Try the following

ATMInfo[iATM][a_Label] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("[ ATM ]", COLOR_WHITE, ATMInfo[iATM][a_Pos][0], ATMInfo[iATM][a_Pos][1], ATMInfo[iATM][a_Pos][2], 10.0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 0, -1, -1, -1, 100.0);