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PHP in pawno. - audriuxxx - 05.05.2013


It's possible use php in pawno?

It's one thing, you call with given number, then you hear letters, and input in web input form, and then i get money... But i want to do this in game, you write the code in dialog input, and then you got a my privilegies..

Just when i write this code, then somehow go to php file, and there check input code, but how do it? maybe here is include or something?

AW: PHP in pawno. - Blackazur - 05.05.2013

Re: PHP in pawno. - Scenario - 05.05.2013

Uh... considering the language is PAWN and not PHP, no. There is the HTTP function available, though.

Although, it's my understanding that you're trying to make money from your SA:MP server which isn't allowed as per the SA:MP server agreement.

Re: PHP in pawno. - audriuxxx - 05.05.2013

I saw http, but if i post inputtext, how in my php file in my web, check that posted information?

Re: PHP in pawno. - Scenario - 05.05.2013


and then i get money...

I'm not going to help you break the SA:MP server agreement.

Re: PHP in pawno. - audriuxxx - 05.05.2013

If people, want give me money... They give if they want. Just simple code..

Re: PHP in pawno. - Scenario - 05.05.2013

Your English is extremely broken and I can't even understand the exact thing you want; I doubt many other people can, too! Go post in your language's section.

Re: PHP in pawno. - audriuxxx - 06.05.2013


I want, to send information to my php file. I want to send player inputtext and get that inputtext with Post methode. In php language you can do it:

<form action="welcome.php" method="post">
Name: <input type="text" name="fname">
Age: <input type="text" name="age">
<input type="submit">
Welcome <?php echo $_POST["fname"]; ?>!<br>
You are <?php echo $_POST["age"]; ?> years old.
But how i can POST player inputtext in my php file?

Re: PHP in pawno. - RajatPawar - 06.05.2013

There are types of response code available for HTTP - HTTP_POST or HTTP_GET_POST, which you can use. There are no good tutorials on HTTP available, so you have to apply some logic, do some trial and error-ring before you come to the right method. (HTTP on SA-MP, look here for an example)

Re: PHP in pawno. - audriuxxx - 06.05.2013

I ask how in php file i can get that information what i have been posted used http?