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About a forum rule - Coltmaster - 05.05.2013

Selling scripts or linking to sites that allow people to sell scripts is not allowed.

I don't understand why this is a rule for? I want to have a <removed> link in my signature so people knew about a decent place where you can buy/sell stuff for online games. It's mostly related to accounts and currency/items, but it does have a small section within the SAMP area for selling scripts so I guess I would not be allowed to have it in my signature for this reason? What's the deal with this rule and is it for sites specifically for selling scripts or something even like <removed> which contains a small section for it?

Re: About a forum rule - [L]azy[H]aze - 05.05.2013

Well i think this rule is good becouse people would then post shitty edits and try to sell them nd this forum would have spam all over the place with stuff for sale and in signatures i dont get why not

Re: About a forum rule - Coltmaster - 05.05.2013

Yeah I get that, but I'm trying to figure out if I'd be allowed to have an ad to a site 99% related to selling things in online games, although it has a small sub-sub-section for samp scripts.

And if advertising selling scripts isn't allowed then why are people allowed signatures like "Scripting for $5" and stuff, it's the same thing people could pre-prepare a script and just write that to avoid bans.

Re: About a forum rule - Ashley - 05.05.2013

Massive difference between selling scripts and selling your time to script.

If people were allowed to sell scripts it'd just open up a can of worms, and people bitching and crying a that they've been ripped off etc etc..

The rules are there for a reason.

Re: About a forum rule - MaDK1LLA - 05.05.2013

Because many scripters will turn into sellers and this website will turn into a market place, then sa-mp admins and mods will have to deal with all sort of problems such as unhappy buyers, scammers and sellers who are pissed off because a buyer leaked his copy.

Re: About a forum rule - Windrush - 05.05.2013

because... some sellers sell scripts and claim the money and ran away!

Re: About a forum rule - Coltmaster - 05.05.2013

Originally Posted by Ashley
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Massive difference between selling scripts and selling your time to script.

If people were allowed to sell scripts it'd just open up a can of worms, and people bitching and crying a that they've been ripped off etc etc..

The rules are there for a reason.
Is there really a difference? What if someone asks a scripter to make them a gamemode, there's no difference because they could rip one off or have pre-made one, the same effect as if they did sit down and make a gamemode as far as everyone's concerned.

****** I see that, but would I be able to have a <removed> ad in my link? It is really a site for selling accounts and items on virtual games, they have a small section in the SAMP area for gamemodes though.

Re: About a forum rule - XcorelloX - 05.05.2013

Originally Posted by Windrush
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because... some sellers sell scripts and claim the money and ran away!
Just as some buyers take the scripts and then run away with the money. This is a topic that has been around these forums for a while. Although I see what you're getting at by stating that only a small percentage of a certain site is related to San Andreas Multiplayer, it is still related to it.

Think about it like this, as I've seen a topic today that ****** had commented in, you create a script from scratch, you put a GPU / MPL on your script before selling it. You then have to take into account the works of third party content; filterscripts, plugins, includes and so forth thus causing indefinite loop holes in your clauses furthermore allowing (regardless of your attempts to stop it) third parties to use your script, therefore placing the SA:MP team in a position where people would hold them responsible if someone was found to be using your script without your sole consent. Causing uncontrollable issues for the modification in relations to dealing with pesky situations like those.

All in all, if you were going to sell any script, like it states in this topic, do it on a per-project basis, meaning you provide a script for cash to one individual. Then, if anything happens to that script (unless you release it), it is by his doing.

- That is just my opinion, I could be wrong on the GPU / MPL, I'm not a lawyer, but hey, I believe that's how it works.

Re: About a forum rule - Scenario - 05.05.2013

While I doubt any of the moderators will confirm/deny this, I think it's also there to prevent the SA:MP team from getting into the discussions of people claiming to be scammed by someone else.

Re: About a forum rule - Scenario - 05.05.2013

Originally Posted by ******
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That is an issue, but there's actually an even bigger issue that I should have mentioned: We don't own San Andreas, in fact we don't have any rights to using it AT ALL. This is entirely a legal grey area - if Rockstar wanted to shut down SA:MP they could with one letter! We could try argue that what is being done is in fair use, but that's expensive to fight and wouldn't happen. What does help the fair use case is the fact that this is a free mod, and not commercial. We can't sell things derived from their copyright products, and we HAVE to maintain this all the way down. Anything commercially derived from this non-commercial mod puts us at risk of legal repercussions. So they are entirely and flat-out BANNED.

So: No, you may not sell your script. No, you may not link to places that allow it (not that they have any right to allow it, as I said they have no control over SA:MP copyrights). No, you may not make money off links in your signature (but that's more the other issue that the forums are provided for free, so why should you get to make money off them)?
Makes complete sense. Thanks for the explanation.