files - Printable Version
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files -
Zeyo - 04.05.2013
Is there anything similar to fstream (c++) in Pawn?
I am really not in the mood to learn those massive file functions lol
Re: files -
Yashas - 04.05.2013
There is a different file system, C like file management.
Re: files -
Zeyo - 04.05.2013
Yes I know... that is why I am asking for fstream, I am used to C++ stuff.
Re: files -
Yashas - 04.05.2013
Nope, there is no fstream in PAWN/SA:MP.
Re: files -
Ada32 - 04.05.2013
Originally Posted by Zeyo
Yes I know... that is why I am asking for fstream, I am used to C++ stuff.
You come to PAWN looking for C++? I'm just not sure where the logic is...
Re: files -
Zeyo - 04.05.2013
I just wanted to know if there is something similar. Seems like no.