The best way to create a server trailer? -
LiamM - 30.04.2013
What do you think
are the
best tools and tricks to use for creating a server advertisement via a small trailer / video?
Re: The best way to create a server trailer? -
Babul - 30.04.2013
a few things which could be useful:
-record on a clean partition, if there are scattered files, then the recording may jitter. best tool: (still) FRAPS
-(game)play&record it at some higher FPs sometimes, if you want to create a slo-mo effect. good for explosions, focussing important scenes
-use a good authoring tool like AVid, Premiere, or Vegas
-add a 4-8 second jingle (logo+sound) before playing back the trailer
-dont reveal all features
-best: dont over-edit it ^^
Re: The best way to create a server trailer? -
-Shifty- - 02.05.2013
- Mirrils Action
- Vegas Pro Skills.
Re: The best way to create a server trailer? -
Junkyard145 - 02.05.2013
First DON'T OVER USE sun flares... This gets annoying...Use something simple and don't over do it...Don't attempt to make your server look like a server owned by kids who know nothing about what they're doing..
Now if you are doing an RP server...Don't make it look like un rp actions
Drift...No way you can mess that up
Stunt/DM Kill all lol
Re: The best way to create a server trailer? -
LiamM - 02.05.2013
Originally Posted by Junkyard145
First DON'T OVER USE sun flares... This gets annoying...Use something simple and don't over do it...Don't attempt to make your server look like a server owned by kids who know nothing about what they're doing..
Now if you are doing an RP server...Don't make it look like un rp actions
Drift...No way you can mess that up
Stunt/DM Kill all lol
Thanks for all the responses guys and I agree... The sun flares do get annoying when every scene change on a video there is a sun flare.. but thanks for the advice too!
Re: The best way to create a server trailer? -
RajatPawar - 02.05.2013
Also, I'd suggest not adding stupid conversations like "Wannabe_ganster_A: Whassup, bro?? Wannabe_ganster_B: Dope" because they are irritating, make it as fast paced as you can!
Re: The best way to create a server trailer? -
Junkyard145 - 02.05.2013
Adding on to Rajat's saying;
I would say go ahead and do that or try actual voice acting make something different but don't attempt to cause a 5 minute conversation unless it causes climax of intense watching..But other than that don't