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/admins PlayerName Doesnt show - Printable Version

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/admins PlayerName Doesnt show - AmsterdamCopsAndRobbers - 21.04.2013

YCMD:admins(playerid, params[])
    if(gPlayerLoggedIn[playerid] == 0) return 1;

    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x1FFFFFF, "Administrators online:");
    foreach(Player, i)
        new level[128], string[128];

        if(PlayerInfo[i][Admin] > 0)
                case 1: level = ""adminlevel1" (1)";
                case 2: level = ""adminlevel2" (2)";
                case 3: level = ""adminlevel3" (3)";
                case 4: level = ""adminlevel4" (4)";
                case 5: level = ""adminlevel5" (5)";
            format(string, sizeof(string), "%s %s", level, PlayerName(i));
            SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFF84FFFF, string);
    return 1;
Its says PlayerName not defined how i will gonna define it
#define PlayerName with codes to it?

Re: /admins PlayerName Doesnt show - Jstylezzz - 21.04.2013

pawn Код:
stock PlayerName(playerid)
    new pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    return pName;
Place this in your script, outside any callback. The best thing is, at the total bottom of your script, outside any { } braces.