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Need Help In Removing Vehicles - Printable Version

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Need Help In Removing Vehicles - Noobishplayer - 17.04.2013

Hello Everyone
I Downloaded a GM From Forum And In The /lv Place there are some Vehicles
I Dont know the Coords Of the vehicles But i want to Remove Those Vehicles Beacaues i Want To Map a Palace There
Can someone Tell Me How to Remove Vehicles

Re: Need Help In Removing Vehicles - Om3n - 17.04.2013

use /dl command. it will shows vehicle data. u will be able to find them.

Re: Need Help In Removing Vehicles - HurtLocker - 17.04.2013

All vehicles are created under "public OnGameModeInit()". It's not a big thing to find and delete those lines.

Re: Need Help In Removing Vehicles - TomatoRage - 17.04.2013

make command like /getmypos enter the vehicle with out moving do the command and go to the gm search the same pos and delete it