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[Ajuda] Erros Por Falta De Includes Sim Ou Nгo - Printable Version

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Erros Por Falta De Includes Sim Ou Nгo - dEvasT._ - 15.04.2013

Bom eu to cheio de erro no gm aqui nao sei oq ta acontecendo acho q й falta de incldues, mais eu ja atualizei e continua a mesma goiabada.
pawn Код:
D:\Server Samp\Server Samp\pawno\include\ : warning 219: local variable "dist" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(2127) : warning 209: function "Streamer_OnPlayerDisconnect" should return a value
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(2198) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "idx"
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(2198) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "parametro"
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(2198) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "rcmd"
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(2333) : warning 219: local variable "strtok" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(4747) : error 036: empty statement
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(4780) : error 017: undefined symbol "strtok2"
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(4780) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "cmd")
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(4783) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "if"
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(5944) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(5961) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(5996) : warning 215: expression has no effect
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(2334) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "strto2"
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(2333) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "strtok"
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(2333 -- 7133) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "public"
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(7469) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerName"
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(7903) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(7949) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(7976) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(7988) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(7997) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(8006) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(8015) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(8027) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(8032) : error 021: symbol already defined: "printf"
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(8046) : error 021: symbol already defined: "Create3DTextLabel"
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(8050) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(8051) : error 021: symbol already defined: "clock"
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(8073) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(8077) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(8082) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(8093) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(8104) : error 054: unmatched closing brace ("}")
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(8107) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(8134) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(8143) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\WiZiQu4D\Meus documentos\Downloads\Server Samp\Server Samp\gamemodes\dEvasT.pwn(8165) : error 010: invalid function or declaration

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664          Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

26 Errors.
Alguns erros sгo por causa disso:
Textdraw10 = TextDrawCreate(584.000000, 7.000000, " ");

Re: Erros Por Falta De Includes Sim Ou Nгo - Mutuka_XTreme - 15.04.2013

Parece que nгo.

Re: Erros Por Falta De Includes Sim Ou Nгo - rCr - 15.04.2013


Re: Erros Por Falta De Includes Sim Ou Nгo - dEvasT._ - 15.04.2013

Гh? o.o

Re: Erros Por Falta De Includes Sim Ou Nгo - dEvasT._ - 15.04.2013

Esses erros sгo por causa das chaves estгo no lugar errado? Please Help

Re: Erros Por Falta De Includes Sim Ou Nгo - rCr - 15.04.2013

Manda o cуdigo mano.

ou quer que eu adivinhe ??

Re: Erros Por Falta De Includes Sim Ou Nгo - dEvasT._ - 15.04.2013

Textdraw10 = TextDrawCreate(584.000000, 7.000000, " ");

Re: Erros Por Falta De Includes Sim Ou Nгo - dEvasT._ - 15.04.2013


Textdraw10 = TextDrawCreate(584.000000, 7.000000, " ");
error 010: invalid function or declaration

Respuesta: Erros Por Falta De Includes Sim Ou Nгo - Pedro Pawno - 15.04.2013

Olб amigo ignore alguns cometбrios. Isto ocorre por que em algum cуdigo os colchetes nгo foram abertas e nem fechadas.

Re: Erros Por Falta De Includes Sim Ou Nгo - dEvasT._ - 15.04.2013

obrigado pedro mais nao entendi