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GTA SA Will not start up HELPP! - Printable Version

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GTA SA Will not start up HELPP! - NewLifeRoleplay - 13.04.2013

Hi i have recived a new computer from my brother as a gift and i attempt to start up gta sa and it says : the procedure entry point MakeCriticalSectionGlobal coul dno tbe location in the dynamic link libaray KEREL32.DLL, i click on Okay then it says GTA SA Needs DirectX 9.0 to run i have installed that about million times and it douse not work?

Re: GTA SA Will not start up HELPP! - firemanjv - 14.04.2013

i think you need to remove directx in your programs list and then just reinstall Directx and reinstall GTA

Re: GTA SA Will not start up HELPP! - NewLifeRoleplay - 14.04.2013

Its not showing up there?, im on windows vista PLEASE HELP

Re: GTA SA Will not start up HELPP! - alimash - 16.04.2013

Vista ? I think the problem is not from your windows

I think your GTA is not original

Make sure your GTA is original

Re: GTA SA Will not start up HELPP! - Smxe - 17.04.2013

Well here is a few things:
Try downloading a new GTA SAN ANDREAS.
Or maybe heres the latest update for DirectX: CLICK ME

Re: GTA SA Will not start up HELPP! - Vince - 18.04.2013

Originally Posted by NewLifeRoleplay
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Hi i have recived a new computer from my brother as a gift and i attempt to start up gta sa and it says : the procedure entry point MakeCriticalSectionGlobal coul dno tbe location in the dynamic link libaray KEREL32.DLL, i click on Okay then it says GTA SA Needs DirectX 9.0 to run i have installed that about million times and it douse not work?
Why do you keep creating new topics all the time? Stick to one thread! This only confuses the reader.