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[FilterScript] Simple on connect rules dialog - Printable Version

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Simple on connect rules dialog - mgd - 09.04.2013

Simple on connect rules dialog
Here is what you have to do
Open Pawno > Ctrl + f > search for OnPlayerConnect

replace this with it
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
   ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "server name Server Rules", "Do Not Ask For admin status\nYou cannot quit avoid admin punshiment\nDo not deathmatch\nDo not hack\nDo not flame\nDo not cop hunt", "Accept ", "Decline");
   return 1;
now search for OnDialogResponse
and replace this
pawn Код:
    if(dialogid == DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX)
        if(response) // If they clicked 'Yes' or pressed enter
            SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Thank you for agreeing to the server rules!");
        else // Pressed ESC or clicked cancel
            SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You MUST agree to the server rules to play here.");
        return 1; // We handled a dialog, so return 1. Just like OnPlayerCommandText.

    return 0; // You MUST return 0 here! Just like OnPlayerCommandText.
and go up and #define DIALOG 1
credits : back to me its simple but it gonna help newbies

Re: Simple on connect rules dialog - ElMelo - 09.04.2013


Re: Simple on connect rules dialog - mgd - 10.04.2013

thanks Elmelo

Re: Simple on connect rules dialog - Gamer_007 - 10.04.2013

Nice but u need to add a stock of KickWithMessage OR It wont show the kick message as it is a part of 0.3x

Re: Simple on connect rules dialog - kalanerik99 - 10.04.2013

this is from samp wiki

Re: Simple on connect rules dialog - Fredrick - 10.04.2013

Not bad useful but simple also add what Gamer_007 just said

Re: Simple on connect rules dialog - matthew1211 - 10.04.2013

nice script

Re: Simple on connect rules dialog - greentarch - 10.04.2013

pawn Код:
if(dialogid == DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX)
I'm sure you meant this :
pawn Код:
if(dialogid == 1)

Re: Simple on connect rules dialog - mgd - 10.04.2013

well thanks all

Re: Simple on connect rules dialog - x96664 - 10.04.2013

Nice and simple