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NPC won't connect ( Linux ) - Printable Version

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NPC won't connect ( Linux ) - Knappen - 08.04.2013

I'm having trouble NPCS to connect. This is my first time doing it!

I put this line under OnGameModeInit:
pawn Код:
ConnectNPC("Test_NPC", "npcidle");
But it doesn't seem to do anything at all. I set the max npcs, and everything loads fine, except the npc. I've searched and searched, but it doesn't seem like anyone have a solution for it. I've tried a few things, but it didn't work. Any suggestions?

EDIT: I've tried everything to my limit, I've figured out that it's the host's fault. My server is running on Linux. I'm in dialogue with my host, but we are kind of stuck. If anyone has any suggestions at all why it won't connect, please, share it with us.
I tried to run it on my own computer, and it connected just fine.
Isn't that a bit weird?

This issue is solved
The problem was on the hosts end. I think it was the samp-npc file that wouldn't start.

Re: NPC won't connect ( Linux ) - Pawnie - 08.04.2013

Show us the NPC from the NPC record. Aka NPC mode

Re: NPC won't connect ( Linux ) - Knappen - 08.04.2013

There is none. I'm using RNPC with an idle npc.

Re: NPC won't connect ( Linux ) - Knappen - 09.04.2013


Re: NPC won't connect ( Linux ) - Om3n - 09.04.2013

show us how u connect ur NPCs and ur server log.

Re: NPC won't connect ( Linux ) - Knappen - 09.04.2013

I did show you how I connect my NPC...?

pawn Код:
[20:05:00]   Loaded.
[20:05:00]  Loading plugin:
[20:05:00]   CrashDetect v4.10 is OK.
[20:05:00]   Loaded.
[20:05:00]  Loading plugin:
[20:05:00] RNPC V0.3.1 by Mauzen (unreleased)
[20:05:00]   Loaded.
[20:05:00]  Loaded 5 plugins.

[20:05:00] Filterscripts
[20:05:00] ---------------
[20:05:00]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[20:05:00]  =======================================
[20:05:00]  |                                     |
[20:05:00]  |        YSI version 1.06.0002        |
[20:05:00]  |        By Alex "******" Cole        |
[20:05:00]  |                                     |
[20:05:00]  =======================================
[20:05:00] MySQLConnect(): Attempting to connect to server...
[20:05:00] MySQLConnect(): Connection is alive.
[20:05:00] weburl = ""  (string)
[20:05:00] Setting server password to: "123"
[20:05:00]      Sanity Roleplay
[20:05:00] ___________________________
[20:05:00]      By: Nico_DAngelo
[20:05:00] Number of vehicle models: 0
[20:05:00] LoadCars(): 251 cars loaded
[20:05:00] LoadProperties(): 65 properties loaded
[20:05:00] LoadBizz(): 0 - Gunshop
[20:05:00] LoadBizz(): 1 - Gunshop
[20:05:00] LoadBizz(): 2 - La Cosa Nostra Restaurant
[20:05:00] LoadBizz(): 3 - Roboi's Food Mart
[20:05:00] LoadBizz(): 4 - Phone Company
[20:05:00] LoadBizz(): 5 - Alhambra
[20:05:00] LoadBizz(): 6 - Bikes & Scooter Rental
[20:05:00] LoadBizz(): 7 - General Store
[20:05:00] LoadBizz(): 8 - Trucking Company
[20:05:00] LoadBizz(): 9 businesses loaded
[20:05:00] LoadStuff(): | TaxRate: 50 | TaxVault: 1350 | Jackpot: 0 | ServerLocked: 0 |
[20:05:00] LoadMatsAndDrugs(): Materials and Drugs loaded.
[20:05:00] LoadFactionInfo(): Civilian - 2 Members
[20:05:00] LoadFactionInfo(): Los Santos Police Department - 2 Members
[20:05:00] LoadFactionInfo(): Federal Buraeu of Investigation - 0 Members
[20:05:00] LoadFactionInfo(): Surenos - 0 Members
[20:05:00] LoadFactionInfo(): La Cosa Nostra - 0 Members
[20:05:00] LoadFactionInfo(): Black Bullets - 0 Members
[20:05:00] LoadFactionInfo(): 6 factions loaded

Re: NPC won't connect ( Linux ) - Knappen - 10.04.2013


Re: NPC won't connect ( Linux ) - Knappen - 11.04.2013


Re: NPC won't connect ( Linux ) - speed258 - 11.04.2013

do you create any vehicles in server because i see 0 vehicle models created maybe wrong plungins installed or just you forgot to change from .dll to .so

Re: NPC won't connect ( Linux ) - MP2 - 11.04.2013

You can't have spaces in names!