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Vip not showing command - Printable Version

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Vip not showing command - DerickClark - 06.04.2013

the commad look like a clean up chat command.
not showing the commands.

PHP код:
stock VipName(playerid)
1StringLevel "Vip";
2StringLevel "Silver-Vip";
3StringLevel "Gold-Vip";
4StringLevel "Vip-Manager";
5StringLevel "Vip-Co-Owner";
6StringLevel "Vip-Owner";
#pragma unused params
new Count;
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1"Vip online:");
Pinfo[playerid][VipLevel] >= 1)
Count ++;
format(strsizeof str"%s %s"VipName(i));
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1str);
Count 1SendClientMessage(playerid, -1"No Vip Online!");
// Let the server know that this was a valid command
return 1;

AW: Vip not showing command - Skimmer - 06.04.2013

Here's your problem:

pawn Код:
case 1: StringLevel = "Vip";
case 2: StringLevel = "Silver-Vip";
case 3: StringLevel = "Gold-Vip";
case 4: StringLevel = "Vip-Manager";
case 5: StringLevel = "Vip-Co-Owner";
case 6: StringLevel = "Vip-Owner";
StringLevel isn't a integer variable. It's a string variable. You should do like this.

pawn Код:
case 2: format(StringLevel, sizeof(StringLevel), "Silver-Vip");

Re: Vip not showing command - Vince - 06.04.2013

False. That works perfectly fine. Also don't use format if you need to copy strings.

The real problem is this:
pawn Код:
if(Pinfo[playerid][VipLevel] >= 1)
That should be:
pawn Код:
if(Pinfo[i][VipLevel] >= 1)

AW: Vip not showing command - Skimmer - 06.04.2013

Oh, i didn't read his problem. Just looked at his Scripts ^^

Re: Vip not showing command - DerickClark - 06.04.2013

Thanks,it work.

Re: Vip not showing command - DerickClark - 06.04.2013

i need to,get the player name.
Sorry for Posting.