Hello.. I got a hacker around my server.. So basically he sets his admin lvl! -
Scrillex - 05.04.2013
Hello I have some problem with that.. I don't get that how he is doing it.. I got his ip. by tracked on cmd console he used offshore.. SO I need to know how he is doing.. My rcon is set to 0 and password is 24 random numbers, Big, small letters.
I want to know how he is doing it...
I'm Using colorhost.. So I want just to know that.. hanged pws and erverything!
Re: Hello.. I got a hacker around my server.. So basically he sets his admin lvl! -
Xoomer - 05.04.2013
maybe he knows ur rcon password
Re: Hello.. I got a hacker around my server.. So basically he sets his admin lvl! -
Scrillex - 05.04.2013
Impossible.. changed it 4 times! And no one has it...
Re: Hello.. I got a hacker around my server.. So basically he sets his admin lvl! -
Vince - 05.04.2013
You have a backdoor in your script. Hackers can't just set the value of a variable.
Re: Hello.. I got a hacker around my server.. So basically he sets his admin lvl! -
Scrillex - 05.04.2013
HMMH how could I disable.... ? And How to find a backdoor...?
Re: Hello.. I got a hacker around my server.. So basically he sets his admin lvl! -
Om3n - 05.04.2013
ask colorhost about their security. if they have secured rcon exec command. if any user of unsecured hosting know the path of his server and know the path to other sa-mp servers, he can use rcon exec command to load ur server.cfg to his server, and read ur rcon password. its really simple use.
Re: Hello.. I got a hacker around my server.. So basically he sets his admin lvl! -
Scrillex - 05.04.2013
rcon is set to 0...
+ on attempt rcon login is set kick player!
So yeah all I can see is back door option!
Re: Hello.. I got a hacker around my server.. So basically he sets his admin lvl! -
Om3n - 05.04.2013
a big black hole
Re: Hello.. I got a hacker around my server.. So basically he sets his admin lvl! -
Scrillex - 05.04.2013
Yeah but the question is where it could be! And how to get rid of it!
Re: Hello.. I got a hacker around my server.. So basically he sets his admin lvl! -
DiGiTaL_AnGeL - 05.04.2013
There's a hidden command in your gm, just search your admin variable all over the gm and you'll find it(unless there are used some different functions)