[Map] Ghetto House... (Read Inside) - Printable Version
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Ghetto House... (Read Inside) -
xxSwissxx - 05.04.2013
I kinda based this house on my Growing up house, which was bad - But it had a Nice Kitchen, growing up poor you know the (Can't muster up the Word) of what you have, and what you're provided with - My father, worked to provide and My whole life I never showed him enough respect for what he did for me - How he struggled to give me what I have, and I'm a little bit older, wiser and as the years have gone by I've figured out that he did alot more, alot more then I ever did for him. I grew up without a Mother, Single father who left me alone to work and Provide and here, In my Country it's Approaching Fathers Day - and it's the day, that we show Recognition to our Fathers, and there hard work...
Although, I came from a Women, got my name from a Women - I appreciate my father more then I do my Mother..
This house, is a 'Ghetto House' So don't trip, cause of Shit Furniture etc..
The Entrance...
Where you enter the house ; O
The Kitchen...
Cook Food, and Kitchen Sex.
The Lounge Area...
Sleeping on the Couch, can be fun.
Room One...
Room Two...
Small, and ... Small.
Dark - GamerX For the Object IDS.
Badbul, and this Post for the Camera.
JernejL, For liking Turtles, and The Map Editor I used...
SA:MP Team, for SA:MP?
Location, Location Location!
Looking, for the map is easy, Really Easy.
I'm not going to write down the Coordinates, for one reason the Map location is easy to find, and I'll show you how.
CreateObject(19378, -159.85, 1779.27, -100.86, 0.00, 90.00, 0.00);
That, is the First code from the Maps, Codes.
You'll see the Following..
With that in sight, After that comes..
-159.85, 1779.27, -100.86
Then, the rest which is a bunch of 0's in the right mind, Now the code in that quote, is the Location of the Map..
Using, them is easy.
zGaming - /gotopos 1235.76, -744.05, 1085.53 0 ( the map, is in the 0 Interioratre World. )
Whatever, Server had this Command - /gotopoint 1235.76, -744.05, 1085.53 0
And, you'll be there, But if you feel as if adding it into the Server is ridiculous, and there's a easy way?
There is, Cow.
Up the top, of the map editor You'll see point Camera too these Coordinates, Just, Grab the Code of Location in the case of this Map it would Be..
CreateObject(19377, 1235.76, -744.05, 1085.53, 0.00, 90.00, 90.00);
Copy, it and paste it in there, then Hit the Button!
You're there.
Re: Ghetto House... (Read Inside) -
[L]azy[H]aze - 15.05.2013
This is a good map swiss +rep
Re: Ghetto House... (Read Inside) -
xxSwissxx - 16.05.2013
Thanks c:
Re: Ghetto House... (Read Inside) -
toXioneer - 16.05.2013
Not the best choice for Ghetto house, since it looks too clean and nice. But map itself is nice.
Re: Ghetto House... (Read Inside) -
NeStOr95 - 16.05.2013
very nice map 9.5/10
Re: Ghetto House... (Read Inside) -
DoubleOG - 16.05.2013
I love this map Shade, <3 for you (when can I meet you on Skype by the way?).
Re: Ghetto House... (Read Inside) -
xxSwissxx - 17.05.2013
Originally Posted by DoubleOG
I love this map Shade, <3 for you (when can I meet you on Skype by the way?).
I'll try to get on as soon as possible c;
Re: Ghetto House... (Read Inside) -
Junkyard145 - 17.05.2013
Nice map! 8/10 I would recommend for later postings to size those images down because it was harder for me to see what you are really wanting us to see..