[HELP] - Pickup Teleports. -
Riven - 03.04.2013
i want to know how to use these pickups , wish someone help me with them
1st- entering the Shop
So like when i stand on it it teleports me to another place ..
Re: [HELP] - Pickup Teleports. -
Configuration - 03.04.2013
new yourpick;
public OnGameModeInit()
yourpick = CreatePickup(1318, 15, 0.0,0.0,0.0);
return 1;
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
if(pickupid == yourpick)
SetPlayerPos(playerid, 0.0,0.0,0.0);
if(pickupid == yourpick)
SetPlayerinterior(playerid, )
return 1;
Re: [HELP] - Pickup Teleports. -
Riven - 03.04.2013
Thanks so much
, i will try this now !
Re: [HELP] - Pickup Teleports. -
Configuration - 03.04.2013
if have problem Contack with me again ok.
Re: [HELP] - Pickup Teleports. -
Riven - 03.04.2013
undefined symbol : SetPlayerinterior ...
Re: [HELP] - Pickup Teleports. -
glbracer - 03.04.2013
Make sure the 'i' is capitalized;
Re: [HELP] - Pickup Teleports. -
Configuration - 03.04.2013
SetlayerInterior(playerid, interiorid);
Re: [HELP] - Pickup Teleports. -
Riven - 03.04.2013
lol , okay pawn completed fine without errors or warns but can't see the pickup in game ..
Here is my code
new yourpick;
public OnFilterScriptInit()
yourpick = CreatePickup(1318, 1740.2709,-2546.0417,13.5469);
return 1;
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
if(pickupid == yourpick)
SetPlayerPos(playerid, 314.820983,-141.431991,999.601562);
if(pickupid == yourpick)
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 7);
return 1;
Re: [HELP] - Pickup Teleports. -
glbracer - 03.04.2013
How many pickups do you have? If you have too many you'll have to use a pickup streamer.
Re: [HELP] - Pickup Teleports. -
Configuration - 03.04.2013
yourpick = CreatePickup(1318, 15,1740.2709,-2546.0417,13.5469);