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simple show player money with textdraw will show player money to all !!!!LOL - Printable Version

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simple show player money with textdraw will show player money to all !!!!LOL - dash5487 - 02.04.2013

if player A using showcash cmd to see his money (textdraw is visible to him )and if player B press showcash
then in player A screen will show player B's money

how to fix it ?
new Text:invtextdraw2;
this is under gamemodeinit

invtextdraw2 = TextDrawCreate(68.750000, 
TextDrawLetterSize(invtextdraw2, 0.234374
TextDrawAlignment(invtextdraw2, 1);      
TextDrawColor(invtextdraw2, -1);         
TextDrawSetShadow(invtextdraw2, 0);      
TextDrawSetOutline(invtextdraw2, 1);     
TextDrawBackgroundColor(invtextdraw2, 51)
TextDrawFont(invtextdraw2, 1);           
TextDrawSetProportional(invtextdraw2, 1);
on command text

PHP код:
#pragma unused params
new string[128];
format(string,sizeof(string),"~w~cash : ~g~%d $",GetPlayerMoney(playerid));

Re: simple show player money with textdraw will show player money to all !!!!LOL - DiGiTaL_AnGeL - 02.04.2013

Use playertextdraws.

Re: simple show player money with textdraw will show player money to all !!!!LOL - dash5487 - 02.04.2013

wat ?!

Re: simple show player money with textdraw will show player money to all !!!!LOL - faff - 02.04.2013

Make sure, To add the Textdraws info on ''OnplayerConnect'' Instead of ''Ongamemodeinit''

AW: simple show player money with textdraw will show player money to all !!!!LOL - [AK]Nazgul - 02.04.2013

Re: simple show player money with textdraw will show player money to all !!!!LOL - dash5487 - 02.04.2013

[AK]Nazgul thanks its worked but i have a problem at this

tag mismatch

Re: simple show player money with textdraw will show player money to all !!!!LOL - L.Hudson - 02.04.2013

faff what you said it useless.

Also try putting a [MAX_PLAYERS] meaning the [playerid] at the textdraw.

pawn Код:
new Text:invtextdraw2[MAX_PLAYERS]; // Top of your script under the includes
pawn Код:
invtextdraw2[playerid] = TextDrawCreate(68.750000,
TextDrawLetterSize(invtextdraw2[playerid] , 0.234374
TextDrawAlignment(invtextdraw2[playerid] , 1);      
TextDrawColor(invtextdraw2[playerid] , -1);        
TextDrawSetShadow(invtextdraw2[playerid] , 0);      
TextDrawSetOutline(invtextdraw2[playerid] , 1);    
TextDrawBackgroundColor(invtextdraw2[playerid] , 51)
TextDrawFont(invtextdraw2[playerid] , 1);          
TextDrawSetProportional(invtextdraw2[playerid] , 1); // In OnPlayerConnect

Re: simple show player money with textdraw will show player money to all !!!!LOL - Private200 - 02.04.2013

pawn Код:
// On the command
pawn Код:
// On Player Connect
invtextdraw2[playerid] = TextDrawCreate(68.750000,
TextDrawLetterSize(invtextdraw2[playerid] , 0.234374
TextDrawAlignment(invtextdraw2[playerid] , 1);      
TextDrawColor(invtextdraw2[playerid] , -1);        
TextDrawSetShadow(invtextdraw2[playerid] , 0);      
TextDrawSetOutline(invtextdraw2[playerid] , 1);    
TextDrawBackgroundColor(invtextdraw2[playerid] , 51)
TextDrawFont(invtextdraw2[playerid] , 1);          
TextDrawSetProportional(invtextdraw2[playerid] , 1);
pawn Код:
// Top of script
new Text:invtextdraw2[MAX_PLAYERS];
As Hudson said. "[playerid]" is not used in the TextDrawSetString, that's why it shows that error.

Re: simple show player money with textdraw will show player money to all !!!!LOL - dash5487 - 02.04.2013

thanks its worked just fine
im going to sleep now

Re: simple show player money with textdraw will show player money to all !!!!LOL - shadowstorm - 15.04.2015

Use it for individual not global PlayerTextdrawCreate();