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[GameMode] [GM]sADrift[EN] - Printable Version

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[GM]sADrift[EN] - sn0p - 01.04.2013

Hi i'm Sn0p and this is my first gamemode on this forum is Drift maybe
And there is desc.
Thhere is a gui login

Am regestration to is gui but i'dont taked some pic.
and all cmd will be in /help so now i show you not mneiu but commands or teleports.

You can get camera from car inside, just choose it

And you can take it am choose tim day

Server spawn

There is a lot of many teleports fun's with friends just download ant start this gamemode

There is an admin sistem
admin cmd:
/ad - talk like admin
/ban - ban player
how add? - go to users files ant open you'r usser ant and and admin=1

Download link:
Pleaze download ant check whats in it.
Sorry for my bad english.

Re: [GM]sADrift[EN] - sn0p - 01.04.2013

download duds

Re: [GM]sADrift[EN] - adios1 - 01.04.2013

and you're using ******

Re: [GM]sADrift[EN] - sn0p - 01.04.2013 this link is normal take an england local ant download this is free

Re: [GM]sADrift[EN] - karolis1478 - 01.04.2013

download link:

Re: [GM]sADrift[EN] - Ibrahim.E - 01.04.2013

Mhmm , Not bad

Re: [GM]sADrift[EN] - sn0p - 02.04.2013

thx, my first gamemode

Re: [GM]sADrift[EN] - Mark Knight - 02.04.2013

Good work as its your first gamemode

Re: [GM]sADrift[EN] - sn0p - 05.04.2013

Yes it's seems my first normal gamemod'e but it's nothing special, i lot time spending on scripting and learning.

Re: [GM]sADrift[EN] - Zues - 06.04.2013

Nice gamemode as its your first.
Idea :Turn off s0niet before taking screenshots