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LSPD door's bugging, FBI cars arent there - Printable Version

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LSPD door's bugging, FBI cars arent there - Lisaax - 31.03.2013

If im going to LSPD. the doors are bugging. Not a ''card reader'' to open the door etc. And in the FBI garages there arent car's. Before it was.

Problem of it?

Re: LSPD door's bugging, FBI cars arent there - yaron0600 - 31.03.2013

Look dude the doors : Means gates and maybe ur script not update enough for that the gates will move well if thats true so see if theres bug id try to /id 4 if thats show u id 0 u got my old bug if thats show u theres no ID 4 so u should just update the script the Pawno , Includes , Plugins...

Re: LSPD door's bugging, FBI cars arent there - Lisaax - 31.03.2013

I compile it everday. And its working! Its working on my local host, but not in my hosted host.

Re: LSPD door's bugging, FBI cars arent there - Lisaax - 01.04.2013
