Moved objectvwith obj array -
colonel-top - 31.03.2013
Hello guys sorry for need to ask again last post im making obj array
i have 177 object so im create array
pawn Код:
new obj [178] = createobject blah blah
so now if i want when im type cmd its moving with use obj
so im try do it but it show error
array out of index
i should plus it or do something with it ?
Can someone help me plz thank you
pawn Код:
So what i should do help me plz thank you very much
Re: Moved objectvwith obj array -
RajatPawar - 31.03.2013
178th cell would be the null terminator, you can use it up to the 177th one, I guess?
Re: Moved objectvwith obj array -
colonel-top - 31.03.2013
Im use obj [177]
But it show error array out of index :P
Re: Moved objectvwith obj array -
RajatPawar - 31.03.2013
pawn Код:
new objects[178];
for ( new i = 0; i < sizeof ( objects ) ; i ++ )
objects[ i ] = CreateObject( ... );
printf( "Index %d assigned to object id.", i ) ;
Try debugging. (It would spam) Tell us where you declare the array, how you assign it, some code mate, some code.
Re: Moved objectvwith obj array -
colonel-top - 31.03.2013
Okay this my code ^_^
pawn Код:
new obj[178];
public OnFilterscriptsInit()
obj[1] = CreateObject(18483,836.9000200,-2102.8000500,12.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,90.0000000); //object(cuntsrod07) (1)
blah blah blah
obj [177] = CreateObject(1318,838.0000000,-2294.0000000,13.4483800,0.0000000,0.0000000,90.0000000); //object(arrow) (1)
MoveObject(obj[178], 0, 0, -50, 2.00);
public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
if(strfind("upplz", "upplz", true) != -1)
MoveObject(obj, 0, 0, 12, 2.00);
return 1;
Re: Moved objectvwith obj array -
Basssiiie - 31.03.2013
If you have new obj[178]; you can only use slot 0 to 177. (This is 178 slots total.) If you're accessing slots out of that bound, you either need to increase the bound (make the array bigger) or change the slot number.