Objects -
firemanjv - 30.03.2013
if im in game it takes long to load all objects ( also non mapped orginal objects )
is this a problem in the server or only by me
Re: Objects -
Scenario - 30.03.2013
Those seem like the regular GTA objects, so it's probably an issue with your computer.
Re: Objects -
firemanjv - 30.03.2013
thats what i tought too but is there a way to fix this?
Re: Objects -
Scenario - 30.03.2013
If you've recently installed any game modifications, uninstall them. Otherwise, you may need the stream memory fix tool.
Re: Objects -
firemanjv - 30.03.2013
hmm i have only FPS And EML mod and some car/skin .
Do you know where i can find the Memory Fix Tool?
Re: Objects -
Scenario - 30.03.2013
Re: Objects -
firemanjv - 30.03.2013
Yea i know but i thought you might have a link but i already found it Thanks man!
+rep for helping me
Re: Objects -
speedkillbig - 30.03.2013
maybe you removebuilding more at 0.25 , when u change 0.25 in , for exemple 1.0 the next object be invizibile . or simply that it disappears
Re: Objects -
Vin Diesel - 30.03.2013
Originally Posted by firemanjv
if im in game it takes long to load all objects ( also non mapped orginal objects )
is this a problem in the server or only by me
there is two Reasons
1-clear all "Removebuildingforplayer" in your script
2-Mods in your GTA Maybe some time make game lag and make objects wont be loaded