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parking stripe ID HELP!!! - Printable Version

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parking stripe ID HELP!!! - Foruve - 29.03.2013

i have recently made a car parking lot and would like to put in WHITE PARKING STRIPES.
please if you know the ID please post it!
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Re: parking stripe ID HELP!!! - Jesus159 - 29.03.2013

That Does not have an id it's inside the object he added but i always use ObjecT: 1949 And place it about 9/10 Into the floor so only the top will come out,Try that it looks nice or do it with 3578 But thats yellow.

Respuesta: parking stripe ID HELP!!! - Tellken - 29.03.2013

ID: 18285
Name: cw_trucklines

But you need 50 posts to be able to give reputation