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PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel: Bug Texture object - Printable Version

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PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel: Bug Texture object - HitnKill - 29.03.2013

Hi, i have a bug with the texture object with this function "PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel".


I look this but other person dont have my problem

My card graphic its an Intel HD Graphic, Someone else had this problem?

Re: PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel: Bug Texture object - [FSaF]Jarno - 30.03.2013

"My card graphic its an Intel HD Graphic"

That is your problem. I guess you are using a laptop? If yes, you are fucked. No way to upgrade your graphics card.

Intel is just bad at graphics.

Re: PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel: Bug Texture object - leong124 - 30.03.2013

Your code is to add a textdraw to preview a model of heart on your screen. There is nothing related to objects and their textures.

Re : PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel: Bug Texture object - HitnKill - 31.03.2013


Arf ok thanks


Maybe i express myself badly sorry my english is bad, i have no problems with objects without this function "PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel" but with this function i have this bug probably my CG... but it does not for everyone!
It's possible that no just objects bugged with this func with my card graphic.

I simply signal the bug.