Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" - Printable Version
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Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" -
shady001 - 23.03.2013
I have 2 hours since i'm trying to solve this , i think i'm going crazy ...
I have :
pawn Код:
new Text3D:fEnter[17];
enum Factions
new sFactions[17][Factions];
for(new f = 0;f<=sizeof(sFactions);f++)
new stringf[256];
format(stringf,sizeof(stringf),"{FFFF00}%s\n{FF0000}Leader:%s\n",sFactions[f][fName],sFactions[f][fLeader]); // 11756
if(f == 1)
fEnter[f] = Create3DTextLabel(stringf,RED,sFactions[f][fX],sFactions[f][fY],sFactions[f][fZ],15,-1,1);
else if(f<=16){
fEnter[f] = Create3DTextLabel(stringf,RED,sFactions[f][fX],sFactions[f][fY],sFactions[f][fZ],15,-1,1);
AddStaticPickup(19198, 23, sFactions[f][fX],sFactions[f][fY],sFactions[f][fZ]);
And the error:
pawn Код:
[19:21:49] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:21:49] [debug] Accessing element at index 16 past array upper bound 15
[19:21:49] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:21:49] [debug] #0 0008e7e8 in public OnGameModeInit () at shady.pwn:11756
I have modify fEnter to 18... 20 nothing ... modify the sFactions to 16 15 still nothing ...
Please some help
Re: Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" -
Konstantinos - 23.03.2013
Change to
pawn Код:
for(new f = 0;f<sizeof(sFactions);f++)
The max value an index can access is 16, not 17 according to your factions.
Re: Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" -
shady001 - 23.03.2013
Ok , that worked , thanks . But now i don't know why when i start my server it stopped responding ... And on my log is no error... Any ideas what can cause this ? (I have already commented all the work i have done since it worked last time) (The server was crashing when i posted that error , i thought that is from that error but it seams it is not

EDIT: server crash have been solved with a PC restart ... Thanks