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Help with sscanf2 - Printable Version

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Help with sscanf2 - Areax - 23.03.2013


I have one problem...

If I inlcude sscanf2 and then I go ingame I get this text STAY WITHIN THE WORL BOUNDRIES

If I don't have sscanf2, then is everything OK.

Thanks for your help

Re: Help with sscanf2 - Areax - 23.03.2013


Re: Help with sscanf2 - dusk - 23.03.2013

Try redownloading it. Are there any AddPlayerClass in your script?

Re: Help with sscanf2 - Areax - 23.03.2013

Originally Posted by dusk
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Try redownloading it. Are there any AddPlayerClass in your script?
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