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Textdraw IDs - Printable Version

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Textdraw IDs - MattyG - 22.03.2013

Hey there, I'm fairly new to PAWN scripting, but I was wondering how I could find the ID of a certain textdraw, so that I could remove it on a command.

Thanks, Matty

AW: Textdraw IDs - AwokenNeoX - 22.03.2013

Re: Textdraw IDs - MattyG - 22.03.2013

Thanks man, I even looked at that page before, I can't believe I didn't see that part at the end, thanks.

Edit: Actually, I just realised that I can't use this method. I'm trying to destroy the text draw for a single player.
E2: Nevermind, I just found the TextDrawHideForPlayer callback, it's working now.