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Help "extra characters on line" - Printable Version

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Help "extra characters on line" - kalanerik99 - 22.03.2013

Help me to fix this script
[code]ERROR:: (25 line) : error 038: "extra characters on line"

[pawn]#include <a_samp>
#include <dini>
#include <zcmd>

CMD:myradio(playerid, params[])
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,10000, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "YT LINK", "Enter your ******* LINK:", "OK", "Cancel");
return 1;

file_put_contents(file[], contents[], bool: append = true, bool: addNewLine = false)
new File: fileHandle = fopen(file, (append) ? io_append : io_write);

fwrite(fileHandle, "\r\n");

fwrite(fileHandle, contents);

25LINE-----#pragma unused file_put_contents("filename.ini", "hello world", addNewLine = true);

#pragma unused ret_memcpy

2--How to fix this?[/SIZE]

Re: Help "extra characters on line" - Misiur - 22.03.2013

What in the hell is this supposed to do? Looks like piece of your code was eaten by aliens. #pragma unused expects sing variable (and no other characters in line)