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Help with /aduty and /v - Printable Version

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Help with /aduty and /v - [DX]Aru12345 - 22.03.2013

How to make a command /aduty that put admin on duty and how to make a /v command with model name or part of model name.

Re: Help with /aduty and /v - CBCandyBoy - 22.03.2013

u must first enum that like

enum ainfo {
and then

under onplayerconnect

ainfo[playerid][onduty] = 0;
and under on player disconnet
ainfo[playerid][onduty] = 0;
and now start making command like

            if.........//here your level check command{
	    if(aInfo[playerid][OnDuty] == 0)
 			aInfo[playerid][OnDuty] = 1;
 			return SendClientMessage(playerid,0x00FFAA,"|- You are now in \"Duty Mode\" -|");
			aInfo[playerid][OnDuty] = 0;
 			return SendClientMessage(playerid,0x00FFAA,"|- You are now in \"Playing Mode\"-|");
	return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "You are not high enough to use this command");

Re: Help with /aduty and /v - dusk - 22.03.2013

Why an enum? Ofcourse it works, but I suggest you using something like
pawn Код:
new bool:aduty[MAX_PLAYERS]

Re: Help with /aduty and /v - LarzI - 22.03.2013

Originally Posted by dusk
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Why an enum? Ofcourse it works, but I suggest you using something like
pawn Код:
new bool:aduty[MAX_PLAYERS]
Or even better: Bit-flags (scroll down)

About /v [id/part of name]: This command has been made and given out 293874234 times before. A simple search in the Script Request thread will help you find it.