Car ownership+house - Printable Version
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Car ownership+house -
Mrich - 21.03.2013
Hey , I'm only asking if somebody know a FS that creates buyable Houses & a FS for buyable cars , it will be awesome if it doens't use any plugin.
info : it can be a tutorial if there is no FS doing that...
thank you
Re: Car ownership+house -
Jstylezzz - 21.03.2013
Why is nobody
Search on ******,
search on ******, there are a lot of scripts, and help threads with responses!
Advanced Vehicle System
Re: Car ownership+house -
Mrich - 21.03.2013
thanks I have one question what is the difference between dynamic vehicle & static one?
Re: Car ownership+house -
Jstylezzz - 21.03.2013
Static means, you create the houses or cars in the scripts, dynamic means, you can alter them in-game
Re: Car ownership+house -
CJay9209 - 22.03.2013
Also it depends if u wanna be able to say players have 1 owned veicle or many etc etc. theres loads to choose from - theres one in my sig but it might be a bit more than what ur looking for.