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race vehicle - Printable Version

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race vehicle - Fernado Samuel - 21.03.2013

Removed, thanks for the help!

Re: race vehicle - Mystique - 21.03.2013

What is this RaceVehicle defined as?

Re: race vehicle - Fernado Samuel - 21.03.2013

new RaceVehicle;

Re: race vehicle - Mystique - 21.03.2013

If you haven't changed RaceVehicle to anything else it's 0 by default which means it won't show anything. The vehicle model ID's are between 400 and 611.

Re: race vehicle - Fernado Samuel - 21.03.2013

Removed, thanks for the help!

Re: race vehicle - Mystique - 21.03.2013

Here's just a simple example to show you, I'll be using the infernus as a racevehicle now.
 new RaceVehicle = 411;
          if(GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) == RaceVehicle)
         SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "This vehicle is only for race.");
This should check if the vehicle is ID 411, and if it is it will send you the message.

Re: race vehicle - Fernado Samuel - 21.03.2013

Removed, thanks for the help!

Re: race vehicle - Mystique - 21.03.2013

So you mean that you want a message to be shown whenever a player enters a vehicle? You mean all the model ID's, no matter what vehicle?

Re: race vehicle - Fernado Samuel - 21.03.2013


Re: race vehicle - Mishima - 22.03.2013

Use GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))