[not quite scripting] SAMP in virtualbox - Printable Version
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[not quite scripting] SAMP in virtualbox -
Misiur - 21.03.2013
Yeah, sorry if this kind of topic shouldn't be here. So - I've set up windows xp virtualbox with all the settings good enough to run GTA. I shared my folder with gta and samp ("\\vboxsvr\GTA_San_Andreas"), and specified path to gta. I connected guest os with host os (which runs the server), and when I try to run samp - single player mode loads. What could be the reason?
Re: [not quite scripting] SAMP in virtualbox -
Jstylezzz - 21.03.2013
Sa-mp is somehow not hooked into GTA-SA if I'm correct.
Can you somehow install sa-mp on the host os from your guest os?
I assume you installed GTA SA + Sa-mp while using the host os, and not the guest os.
About the place of the topic, I think it should be in Everything and Nothing or something, if it isn't moved, it fits in here anyway :P
Re: [not quite scripting] SAMP in virtualbox -
Misiur - 21.03.2013
I think I'll just install gta manually on guest os (after I solve crash when 3d is used), even though it's weird because the same version works on host (and there aren't any registry keys, I'm running my stuff from pendrive)