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Streamer Help - Printable Version

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Streamer Help - JimmyNeonHD - 21.03.2013

Hello, I have download a new Fs file doesn't work why see this message

* I think Streamer the problem i download the last V.


Re: Streamer Help - Dzines4SAMP - 21.03.2013

Originally Posted by JimmyNeonHD
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Hello, I have download a new Fs file doesn't work why see this message

* I think Streamer the problem i download the last V.


You don't have the latest include/plugin, download both of them in the same file in this link - http://code.******.com/p/

And then, update your script with the new include, and replace the same old plugin with the downloaded new one.

Re: Streamer Help - JimmyNeonHD - 21.03.2013


& i put this doesn't work

Plugin streamer


Re: Streamer Help - Dzines4SAMP - 21.03.2013

Un-capitalise the P, so it's like plugins streamer.

Ps. Forgot, do you know what version your streamer supports?

Re: Streamer Help - JimmyNeonHD - 21.03.2013

Ehm, Same

Re: Streamer Help - kiloman3 - 21.03.2013

Get the latest streamer plugin and include recompile the FS and make sure the plugin is being loaded and you should be right.

Re: Streamer Help - JimmyNeonHD - 21.03.2013

I did i update i download the last version doesn't work still show me these Errors!!!

Re: Streamer Help - Jstylezzz - 21.03.2013

You need to update all of your scripts.
Also, in the server.cfg it's plugins and not plugin