Create an area with more of four sides - Printable Version
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Create an area with more of four sides -
PolloMC - 20.03.2013
I want to create an area with more of four sides, (seven or eight). It's possible with only one function? (like CreateTurf, but with more Floats)
Re: Create an area with more of four sides -
Denying - 20.03.2013
I understand you, I think it is not possible, but you could just make 2 gangzones crossing each other and it would look like it has more than 4 sides.
( I know you asked for one function, but I believe it is not possible )
- Denying
Re: Create an area with more of four sides -
Scenario - 20.03.2013
I believe Incognito's streamer has some functions which you might be able to use for this. For example, this one:
pawn Код:
native CreateDynamicPolygon(Float:points[], Float:minz = -FLOAT_INFINITY, Float:maxz = FLOAT_INFINITY, maxpoints = sizeof points, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1);
Showing color on the mini-map isn't support by this function, but I'm sure you could come up with some clever way as an alternative.
Re: Create an area with more of four sides -
PolloMC - 21.03.2013
thank you, it's what i was looking for