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Array must be indexed - Printable Version

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Array must be indexed - Joshman543 - 20.03.2013

Hello when I insert this code I receive the error:
pawn Код:
error 033: array must be indexed (variable "FACPAY")
Here is the code:
pawn Код:
new finalpaycheck = paycheck + FACPAY(i) - taxamount;

Re: Array must be indexed - Misiur - 20.03.2013

You have FACPAY macro which probably returns string. Search for it and show it here.
Or try

pawn Код:
new finalpaycheck = paycheck + strval(FACPAY(i)) - taxamount;
but without knowing your code it can screw up everything

Re: Array must be indexed - Patrick - 20.03.2013

is the FACPAY defined as
pawn Код:
if yes it must be
pawn Код:

Re: Array must be indexed - Joshman543 - 20.03.2013

Originally Posted by pds2012
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is the FACPAY defined as
pawn Код:
if yes it must be
pawn Код:
I have FACPAY defined as a stock. I believe Misiur provided the solution. Rep for you both.