Health/timer problem - Printable Version
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Health/timer problem -
thefatshizms - 20.03.2013
Ok, I have this timer, it's supposed to take 0.1 away from my health every 500ms (note this isn't the only thing in the timer) but instead it takes 1 which is really frustrating.
pawn Код:
public SmallTimer(playerid)
new Float:H, Float:R;
GetPlayerHealth(playerid, H);
R = 0.1;
if(Raped[playerid] == true) {
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, H - R);
return 1;
I used this and i tried a different method with no luck
pawn Код:
public SmallTimer(playerid)
new Float:H;
GetPlayerHealth(playerid, H);
if(Raped[playerid] == true) {
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, H - 0.1);
return 1;
Re: Health/timer problem - Patrick - 20.03.2013
im not sure about this. but give it a try
pawn Код:
public SmallTimer(playerid)
new H = GetPlayerHealth(playerid);
if(Raped[playerid] == true) return SetPlayerHealth(playerid, H -0.1);
return 1;
PS: i use this kind of method on my server
Re: Health/timer problem -
thefatshizms - 20.03.2013
Originally Posted by pds2012
im not sure about this. but give it a try
pawn Код:
public SmallTimer(playerid) { new H = GetPlayerHealth(playerid); if(Raped[playerid] == true) return SetPlayerHealth(playerid, H -0.1); return 1; }
PS: i use this kind of method on my server
That would do the same thing, the only difference is your returning a value which really isn't needed.
Re: Health/timer problem -
Joshman543 - 20.03.2013
This should work, it's weird that is taking away one.
pawn Код:
public SmallTimer(playerid)
new Float:H, Float:R; // Not neccessary
GetPlayerHealth(playerid, H);
R = 0.1; // Not neccessary
if(Raped[playerid] == true) {
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, H - R); // or SetPlayerHealth(playerid, H - 0.1);
return 1;
Re: Health/timer problem -
Scenario - 20.03.2013
That's odd. I wonder if something else in that timer is causing an issue... Mind posting the full thing?
See if this works either way, though:
pawn Код:
public SmallTimer(playerid)
if(Raped[playerid] == true)
Float:R = 0.1
GetPlayerHealth(playerid, H);
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, H-R);
return 1;