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[Tutorial] How to make Texdraw random messages! - Printable Version

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How to make Texdraw random messages! - Beljulji - 19.03.2013

1. We need to define timer:

forward RandomMessage();
2. We need to define texdraw:

new Text:randommsg;
3.Now we need to define messages that will show for players:

new RandomMessages[][] =
 // You can add more messages but just make shure that you have "," everywhere just not on last message.
4. Now timer, add this code under OnGameModeInit:

SetTimer("RandomMessage",60000,1); // 60000 is for 1 Minute, if you want more or less seconds change "60000" to number you want 1 second = 1000 miliseconds
5. Put this code under OnGameModeInit:

randommsg = TextDrawCreate(7.000000, 427.000000, "");
TextDrawBackgroundColor(randommsg, 255);
TextDrawFont(randommsg, 1);
TextDrawLetterSize(randommsg, 0.379999, 1.499999);
TextDrawColor(randommsg, -1);
TextDrawSetOutline(randommsg, 1);
TextDrawSetProportional(randommsg, 1);
6.Now add public function for timer, add it anywhere you want.

public RandomMessage()
        TextDrawSetString(randommsg, RandomMessages[random(sizeof(RandomMessages))]); // without this timer wont work!
        return 1;
7. And Finally last step is make messages show when player connect or spawn.

TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, randommsg); // add this under OnPlayerSpawn (you can add it under OnPlayerConnect too!)
Hope i helped you, anyway this is my first tut so maybe im not so good at this for now.

Re: How to make Texdraw random messages! - Gamer_007 - 19.03.2013

This Tut. was already posted.anyway,Nice

Re: How to make Texdraw random messages! - Beljulji - 19.03.2013

Originally Posted by Gamer_007
View Post
This Tut. was already posted.anyway,Nice
well i didnt know what tutorial to make so i made this one even i know that there is another one!

Re: How to make Texdraw random messages! - qazwsx - 23.07.2013

Hahaha another good tutorial here
Thanks mane

Re: How to make Texdraw random messages! - MiFi - 24.07.2013

Good job!