pawn Код:
native file_move(file[],destination[]); // Moves a file
native file_delete(file[]); // Deletes a file
native file_create(file[]); // Creates a file
native file_write(file[],text[],mode[] = "a"); // Writes in append mode to a file, option to set write mode, append mode is default
native file_read(file[],storage[], sizeof(storage)); // Saves to the specified string
native file_log(); // Adding this will enable logging
native file_exists(file[]); // Check if a file exists
native File:f_open(file[], mode[] = "r"); // Opens a file for line-by-line reading. a for append, w for write, r for read.
native f_close(File:file); // Closes a file that was opened by f_open.
native f_read(File:file, storage, sizeof(storage)); // Reads from a file opened by f_open, line by line.
native f_write(File:file, string[]); // Writes to a file that has been opened by f_open
native dir_create(directory[]); // Creates a new directory
native dir_delete(directory[]); // Deletes a directory (Directory MUST be empty!)
native dir_exists(directory[]); // Check if a directory exists
native dir:dir_open(directory[]);
native dir_close(dir:handle);
native dir_list(dir:handle, storage[], &type, length = sizeof(storage));