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HELP ME! - Printable Version

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HELP ME! - marsmubarak - 15.03.2013

i need to update my 0.3e server to 0.3c server. please help me samp team
my gamemode is NR Gaming

Re: HELP ME! - DiGiTaL_AnGeL - 15.03.2013

You mean downgrade. But have you tried searching? This tutorial works for any version.

Re: HELP ME! - P3DRO - 15.03.2013

usually the host provides the upgrade, but downgrading i have no clue. I would you wanna do that?

Re : HELP ME! - thegreathom - 15.03.2013

0.3e to 0.3c?
You know, you will don't have lots of players in your servers beacause we're not in 0.3c we are in 0.3x..